Thursday, 2 June 2011

Wo-man and the great political correctness issue

Just recently, at a meeting of a local committee, the Chair-man, -person, -woman (or, most ridiculously the Chair) had difficulty trying to decide how she should be addressed.
In this day and age of absurd sensitivities, it has been decreed by some form of biased-consent that -man or -men at the end of a 'title' is sexist. This has always caused me some confusion because one of the most fundamental words used for referring to those of the female form of the advanced intellectual bipeds that inhabit this planet of ours, is WOMAN of the species HUMAN.
Now, call me a kipper, but three fifths of both of these fundamental nouns comprise the word which refers to the male of our species called MAN. Surely this is quite unacceptable in this current climate. It is my contention that individuals of this particular group of our species of three-brained-beings should be referred to as WOPERSON and in multitude WOPEOPLE. As for MALE and FE-MALE - well I should like to leave that one to someone else to sort-out!
I should also like to propose that forthwith and with no further delay the noun for our species should become HUPERSON and we therefore become on mass - HUPEOPLE. Alternatively we adopt a word from a non-English language which has no horrible sexist connotation.
Failing that, can we drop all this idiocy and refer to the head of a committee as the Chairman, then we all know what we are talking about. I for one, sit on a CHAIR, I don't defer to one!

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